Giclee Prints - Hand Embellished

Premium giclee prints are high quality fine art prints made using pigmented inks on the finest acid free, art paper providing the highest quality reproduction of the original.

A majority of my paintings can be printed as limited edition giclee prints. These are usually ready to be dispatched with in 2 weeks. All prints are hand embellished with metallic watercolour to provide an exceptional representation of the original.

Prints can be made to order in three standard sizes

SMALL - (Supplied in a 30cm x 40cm mount) - £65.00

MEDIUM - (Supplied in a 40cm x 50cm mount) - £110.00

LARGE - (Supplied in a 75cm x 50cm mount) £160.00

Paintings available for print are as follows ;-

  • Forgotten Foliage

  • Parkside Aurora

  • Defacing Façade

  • Clare College Bridge

  • All Saints Passage

  • Newtons Tree

  • Corpus Clock - Life’s Irregularity

  • Corpus Christi College - Please keep off the grass

  • Senate Passage

  • Gonville & Caius - Tulips in Bloom

  • Clare College Gate

  • Rose Crescent